Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Government Is In The Wrong Business

Just like so many failed communist, socialist, and dictator run countries in the past, instead of staying in the citizen protection business as the Constitution mandates, the federal government became involved in the regulation business. Once the federal government began to regulate, it became the focal point for every special interest in the world. Special interests were then able to focus their strength and money and become much more effective.
As a result, 150 years later, we find ourselves facing failures and disasters in most of the important areas of our society. The basic component of successful human existence, the family, has been torn apart by economic pressures. Parents are no longer able to structure their lives around caring for each other and their children and children are forced to come home to empty homes. Parents who would normally get involved with problems, like drugs and violence in schools, just trudge on hoping that someone else will deal with the problems and dangerous choices that their children must now deal with and make alone. As a result, families have become collections of self-centered individuals instead of the tightly knit supportive groups that they are supposed to be. You're on your own is the law of the land.
If the government was not in the regulation business, special interest groups would not have been able to seek money or regulations favoring their particular country, cause, or industry. Less money would have been required to run the government, pass out as foreign aid, pay for social programs, or pay for the regulations themselves. The creation of all of this additional money has been the primary cause of the inflation that has brought so much pressure on American citizens. As the money to pay for these things has been stripped from the population, the economy has suffered. In order for the economy to be strong, the population has to have money.
By becoming involved in the regulation business, the government has become the focal point for all problems and the population has been trained to expect the government to fix things that the government knows nothing about. As a result, we have failures in education and social services. Without regulation, the Citizens would have fixed things themselves better and they would have had the money to do it. Any problems that did arise would have been state problems, not national problems, and would have been easier to fix and not as devastating to the country and the population overall.
If the government was not in the regulation business, environmental groups would not have had a focus point, much to the delight of foreign oil, and we would still be drilling for oil. It may have been stopped in a couple of states like California but it would not have been stopped in Alaska, Louisiana, and many other states. We would not be sending $700 billion out of the country every year creating a need for more money and inflation.
If the government was not in the regulation business and corporations were left to make their own trade agreements, they would not have made trade agreements where the corporations buy their products, and they don't buy the corporations' products, until the corporations run out of money and are forced to eliminate jobs.
If the government was not in the regulation business, the privately owned Fed might exist under a different name but it would not have control of the nation's currency and be able to drive favorable legislation and create economic bubbles that pop causing most of the down turns in the economy. Bank failures would not have been national.
If the government was not in the regulation business, the economy would regulate its self as a result of the population buying what it wants and needs. There would not be so many gold rushes with businesses appearing and disappearing overnight. The businesses that did appear would be as a result of need instead of greed and more stable. People would not rush into jobs only to lose them a few weeks later. Careers would be more permanent.
If the government was in the citizen protection business like it's supposed to be, it would be much harder for corporations to abuse foreign workers visas. Congressmen and Senators would not be trying to sneak visa increases and illegal alien amnesty legislation through by attaching it to unrelated bills. Of course, the government would actually be protecting our borders and we would not have so many illegal aliens taxing our social infrastructure.
The government would still be the focal point of the military industrial complex, but one could argue that this is necessary. Historically, in times of peace, governments have failed to maintain a military force adequate for their country's protection. They need a little prodding to do this.
The government needs to first get into the actual deregulation business. Actual deregulation means that not only the portions of regulations that would benefit special interests need to be eliminated, but the entire regulation.
Once the regulations are gone, they need to tell everyone, "Not my job".
Copyright July 2008, Web Smith
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Web Smith has been writing and developing documentation for technology companies for over 30 years. He has been the founder of 7 technology companies and created the collateral that launched them.
He is an industry consultant and currently owns,, and He runs his own copywriting business from
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